Could Bottlenose Dolphins Turn out to be Extinct?

If you've ever analyzed the cans of tuna which you eat you might have noticed a particular type of announcement on it saying that the tuna you are eating is dolphin friendly, especially for bottlenose dolphins. There has bee

n a big issue with catching tuna and also dolphins simultaneously. Since the dolphins are looking for large schools of fish to eat, tuna fisherman are heading right into bottlenose dolphin habitat to catch these fish.

The problem has come about within the last 20 years when lots of bottlenose dolphins have died as a result of the tuna business. Fishermen use purse seine nets that kind a circle round the tuna and then pull the catch onto the boat. It was quite common to see bottlenose dolphins end up with the catch of tuna plus they would end up dying. It experienced come to the level where dolphins could actually be looked at an endangered species if the problem wasn't immediately corrected.

In 1950, there were approximately 1, 000, 000 dolphins swimming around in the Black Sea compared to 1970 when there were only 70, 000 dolphins inhabiting this sea. Bottlenose dolphins are one of the types of dolphins in which live here and their own bottlenose dolphin habitat needs to be protected.

In 1990 the government of the united states put a regulation into effect which labeled tuna cans as being dolphin secure. It then boycotted any countries in which weren't following dolphin safe practices to catch their tuna. Some of the countries that had a good embargo set on their tuna included Ecuador, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela yet others.

Bottle nosed dolphins certainly are a beautiful as well as loving sea creature that deserve much more respect as compared to what may be seen from the tuna industry. The bottlenose dolphin habitat must be protected using safe tuna fishing. In order with this safe level to be considered acceptable in the united states, less than 5000 dolphins may be killed every year in the country selling the tuna.

This dolphin safe practice was started in the united states but a great many other countries have to take part in it too. Fishing is a worldwide market and bottlenose dolphins inhabit many different parts of the earth. If we're to observe these grand creatures then tuna fishing and other types of fishing that endanger dolphins must be corrected on a global basis.

There are other items that are endangering the bottlenose dolphins and the bottlenose dolphin habitat as well. In Peru, for instance, dolphin is considered a delicacy and they are killed for their meat. In a number of other parts of the world you can find marine activity parks that house dolphins to do for people. These dolphins don't do as well in captivity and through the first 24 months approximately 50% of them will die. It's important to implement measures to guard dolphins across the world in in any manner we can.